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#RRBC “SPOTLIGHT” Blog Tour with Author, John Fioravanti @JohnJFioravanti

I’m am super excited to have fellow #RRBC member John Fioravanti here today on his Spotlight Tour. Intrigued, I had to add this book to my TBR list!


I’m grateful to my host of this third post of the REFLECTIONS TOUR, and to Nonnie Jules and the #RRBC Team who arranged it all!

Reflection 3 Ÿ Do What You Love – Don’t Settle… Ever!

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.”

~ Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs was not only one of the most successful people to impact the 20th and 21st centuries, but he was also the heart and soul of the multinational corporation, Apple Inc. I recall watching him presenting new Apple products on television, and what struck me each time, was that Steve Jobs was enjoying himself as he spoke. He was proud of these products, and he loved to talk about them. He walked his talk.

I was fortunate in my career as a high school teacher. I, too, loved what I did each day. Yes, there were stresses, and sometimes I had to deal with people I didn’t care for or situations that were taxing. But, at the end of the day, I was a happy camper. I was doing what I loved in the company of many wonderful people – students and colleagues alike.

When I retired from the classroom in 2008, I was faced with a serious problem. I was no longer doing what I loved. I felt that I was no longer making a difference, no longer useful. Puttering around the house all day looking for something to keep me interested and busy wasn’t working out well. There are always things to do around the house – both inside and outside – but, to me, these activities are just chores – and I don’t like chores!

I was writing sporadically but it wasn’t fulfilling. My novel series required rewrites and eventually, a total overhaul. I enjoyed the challenge of these tasks, but there were long delays in getting the necessary feedback to move to the next step. I began to think that my novels were not going to get published. The enjoyment I found in writing began to dissipate.

Now, let’s consider Mr. Jobs’ next piece of advice: “If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking.” It took five years for me to find it. My publisher suggested I start a company and publish my own books. That prospect stressed me because I knew nothing about forming a publishing company, and getting a book ready for publication. With his help and encouragement, my steep learning curve began. The challenge fired me up. My wife, Anne, and I founded Fiora Books in December 2013. Once again, I had purpose, I had problems to solve, and I had stories to tell!

Today, I’m writing and publishing my own novels, and I spent over a year and a half serving on the Board of Directors of Rave Reviews Book Club as Vice President, Membership and Incentives Director and podcast show host. It was a volunteer position; it took a lot of time, but I loved every minute of it. I have been retired from teaching for seven years and now I’m in love with my second career. This career of Indie writing, publishing and promoting other Indie writers is very fulfilling. It does not feel like work.

Steve Jobs is right: “As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know it when you find it.”     I have found, for the second time in my life, a job that I love. Now, the onus is on me to do “great work.”

Author Bio:

 John Fioravanti is a retired secondary school educator who completed his thirty-five year career in the classroom in June, 2008.

 Throughout his career, John focused on developing research, analysis, and essay writing skills in his History classroom. This led to the publication of his first non-fiction work for student use, Getting It Right in History Class. A Personal Journey to the Heart of Teaching is his second non-fiction work; it attempts to crystallize the struggles, accomplishments, and setbacks experienced in more than three decades of effort to achieve excellence in his chosen field.

 John’s first work of fiction is Passion & Struggle, Book One of The Genesis Saga, and is set within Kenneth Tam’s Equations universe (Iceberg Publishing). He claims that, after two non-fiction books, he’s having the time of his life bringing new stories and characters to life! Book Two is Treachery & Triumph.

 At present, John lives in Waterloo, Ontario with Anne, his bride of forty-six years. They have three children and three grandchildren. In December of 2013, John and Anne founded Fiora Books for the express purpose of publishing John’s books.




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