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Thankful Tree

thanksgiving tree

Our family has a Thankful Tree. We write on notepaper leaves each year, sharing what we’re thankful for, and then hang them on the tree.

I want to share some leaves from years past. There seems to be a theme of family weaved into our thankfulness. I hope you can add to that thankful tree that you have growing inside for all the things in which you’re grateful — may your tree bloom with love.

I’m thankful for:

  1. Cleaning, my family, and my life.
  2. I’m not homeless, that I have a very nice house, and have a happy family.
  3. All my family and able to spend time with everyone.
  4. Video games, my family, and my pets.
  5. Being alive so that I can have so many wonderful experiences with family and friends. And also, pumpkin pie.
  6. Thanksgiving.
  7. My health, abundance, creativity, and joy.
  8. My family, house, food, and love.
  9. All the good I have, which is a lot! I’m grateful for my wonderful family.
  10. The people that play music with me.
  11. This beautiful life and the wonderful family that I’m so lucky to be a part of.
  12. My family, friends, and animals in my life. For the material things, my house, where I live, and everything around me. I’m thankful for all the love directed to me.
  13. My friends, the ability to be healthy, family, home, animals, and all the love in my life.
  14. Hugs and helping people.
  15. My beautiful family, my health, my home, and my musical talent.
  16. The absurdism of the universe and being able to share the present with friends and family.
  17. The opportunities that have been available in my life. The paths taken to where I am today are more than I could ask for. I have a loving spouse who supports my needs to dance and takes care of everyone. I have friends who love me, a wonderful family, and a life that has so many opportunities I am also grateful for my family and cats.
  18. My education and science. Thankful for my family and the support from my parents, and for my friends.
  19. My spouse, who is honest, caring, and loving for our family. For my beautiful children, which I love so much, and my health, musical talents, and my kindness. My grandchildren and my house and the animals, too.
  20. And wish for everyone to have a happy life. We are a happy family. I love my family and everyone so much.


We didn’t have our power shut off, although the call came after I waited for a few hours for it to happen. We had a brief thunderstorm the night before so maybe that helped. For some reason, it hit really hard all around us but we barely got any of it. Rain and snow is forecast this week. That means I should be able to put my go-bag away until next year. Fingers crossed.

The picture is from last year.


Embrace your inner child with gratitude! Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate. May Black Friday treat you well. D. L. Finn

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