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Welcome to Day 2 of the “JONAH” Blog Tour! @Rijanjks @4WillsPub #RRBC #RWISA

I’m pleased to welcome Jan Sikes here today on her Jonah Blog Tour. This was a fantastic story and my review will be posted here this month:)

GIVEAWAYS:  The author is giving away (3) $5 Amazon Gift Cards during this tour! For your chance to win, all you have to do is leave a comment below as well as leaving a comment on the author’s 4WillsPub tour page.  GOOD LUCK!


Welcome to day two of the blog tour to promote my new release, JONAH! 

Writing fantasy was a completely different genre for me. I honestly think that is one of the reasons I enjoy writing short stories so much. It gives me the opportunity to try many different styles of writing in varied genres. Jonah is told in first-person POV.

In writing fantasy, almost anything can go. However, it still must be believable on some level. In creating the mythical creatures in Jonah’s story, I searched the internet to get some visuals, then went from there.

The animals I created are half-animal and half-mythical, have red glowing fangs, and claws like that of an Eagle. Yet, I pictured them to have a warthog like body, short, stout and able to easily navigate through tangled underbrush.

They are a real threat to Jonah. Here’s a short excerpt from the story that shows Jonah’s first encounter with these dangerous animals.

Sure, they’d given him the dagger and a few supplies. Everything else, he had to get on his own. And, it didn’t help that the island was covered with thick tangled nettles that stung the skin when touched, flowers filled with deadly venom and blackbirds that swooped down without warning and pecked at his head. But the creatures were the worst of all. He’d never forget the first time they showed themselves. Fangs that glowed red when they growled and claws like that of Eagles had sent him clamoring through the brush despite the stinging nettles and prickly thorns. Their claws allowed them to easily trample through and he was left with no option but to run. It wasn’t until exhausted and unable to run anymore, he finally turned and drew his dagger. He prepared to die. But instead, they backed down.

Jonah had no idea whether it was the glint of the sun off the metal blade, the scream that burst from his chest, or the aggressive running toward the animals, but the combination worked and they would slink back into the underbrush each time.



Fantasy meets reality when a young man is forced to choose his punishment for crimes committed. Jonah must decide between imprisonment in a concrete box beneath the earth or be exiled to a deserted, barren island. He chooses the island, but nothing can prepare him for the deadly creatures, and poisonous plants at every turn. Then there’s the maddening isolation that drives him to the brink of insanity. There is only one way off this island and it’s more difficult than anything he’s ever imagined. It’s much easier to face mortal danger than the demons within. Will Jonah find redemption, or another unexpected offer?


Jan Sikes openly admits that she never set out in life to be an author. But she had a story to tell. Not just any story, but a true story that rivals any fiction creation. You simply can’t make this stuff up. It all happened. She chose to create fictitious characters to tell the story through, and they bring the intricately woven tale to life in an entertaining way.

She released a series of music CDs to accompany the four biographical fiction books and then published a book of poetry and art to bring the story full circle.

And now that the story is told, this author can’t find a way to put down the pen. She continues to write fiction and has published many short stories with a series of novels waiting in the wings. She is a member of Authors Marketing Guild, The Writer’s League of Texas, the RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB (RRBC), the RAVE WRITER’S INT’L SOCIETY OF AUTHOR (RWISA), sits on the RWISA Executive Council and hosts a monthly RAVE WAVES blog talk radio show, ASPIRE TO INSPIRE.












Thank you for supporting this author and her tour.  To follow along with the rest of the tour, please drop in on the author’s 4WillsPub tour page
If you’d like to schedule your own 4WillsPub blog tour to promote your book(s), you may do so by clicking HERE.
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