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#TankaTuesday Weekly Poetry Challenge No. 279: #Tastetherainbow-Color/Weather Poetry #poetrycommunity #poems #haibun #writingcommunity #poetsoftwitter #poetrychallenge

Here is Colleen Chesebro’s Tanka Tuesday Weekly Poetry Challenge No. 278. This is a Taste the Rainbow theme with color/weather as the subject.

This is a haibun which is a prose paragraph combined with haiku or senryu. I enjoy offering stories or even insights in this format.

Personal Paradise Lost

In a burst of color, the last of the day falls into night’s waiting hands. I sit on the rocky ledge bathed in the purple, orange, gold, and gray of the event. Although it happens every day above the vast azure water, it still offers me the hope that I’ll need as the moment fades away into darkness. Someday I will venture outside my guarded world, where the gentle waves and salty breeze are the only movements in this paradise. Here, a storm brings gentle rain, and the sunbeams provide growth around me, yet nothing changes. The sameness has become my personal prison in a place that some consider perfection. I long to captain my boat into those beautiful colors and see what is beyond my horizon.

nature’s artistry
awakens my stagnant soul
inspiration flows

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