Awe–a poem

tulips and mountains


I’m above the tall lily stalks

With the delicate orange tubes-

That were bursting with nectar,

Reaching hungerly for the sun.


A heavy cement turtle guards them,

As a mother reads to a child…

In plastic perfection,

While a rock rabbit is heavy, yet alert.


White roses fill the empty space

Spilling their fragrance carelessly.

A lone bee, that is far from ordinary

Is nestled in this scene.


I pause to take it all in…

Expecting the gentle hum of the bee

But, instead I am greeted in song…

Carried by a beautiful feminine voice.



It’s like nothing I’ve heard before.

Puzzled, I look for the source and find it–

Not a radio or TV– but a simple bee.


Alone in my awe, I shake my head at this curiosity

Had the song always been there I pondered–

Buried under work, chores, and life? I was baffled.

Had I experienced a miracle? Yes! I realized…yes!

If you are subscribed to the newsletter it will be coming out May 21st. Check your email, there is a new excerpt from “The Button”, updates, and a chance to win an Amazon gift card!

Watch for tomorrow’s guest blog featuring Suzanne Burke and her new book! Won’t want to miss that!

I’m looking for Beta Readers for “The Button“. It’s a paranormal story set in 1983 with a bit of romance– and an angel (Zelina from “This Second Chance). Please email me at: if you are interested–and have the precious time to do it. I understand how busy we all are, especially going into the summer. I’m hoping to get it to final editing by the end of June or beginning of July! Thanks, Denise

Embrace your inner child with some poetry, D.L. Finn

20 thoughts on “Awe–a poem”

      1. It is hard to let some of garden friends go. I had to do that with a Japanese house I had. I keep adding to our outside collection:)

    1. It is, Mae! We just have to remember to pause for the moment and let it come to us:) Thank you!

    1. Thank you, Natalie! Nature is so inspiring…all that is required is being there:) Glad to hear you liked it!

    1. I love when the flowers bloom:) Thanks that picture came from a beautiful day at some local gardens.

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