Here is Colleen Chesebro’s Tanka Tuesday Weekly Poetry Challenge #218. This week the poem is based on an image, and it was my turn to choose it.

I decided on a Tanka 5/7/5/7/7. I found it harder to write with it being my own picture.

The story behind this photo is interesting. My youngest daughter, Danielle, decided to film a dance for a show on the Magical Trail. Of course, we followed along to watch, and I took many pictures. This is one of them.

My husband set up a fog machine, and my daughter’s friend filmed it. I can’t say I have ever seen anyone do a contemporary dance in the snow before. Her dance is about her struggle with anxiety and depression, which was always in the back of my mind writing this. Yet, in this picture, she reminded me of a fairy. Note: She found peace at the end of her piece, and I look forward to seeing it in its final glory 🙂


Sadness withered wings

The fairy clings to the stump

Her sweet song is masked

While winter feeds foggy grief

She dreams of spring’s gift—magic.


  1. What an incredible story about your daughter, Denise. And what a beautiful and artistic way to work through emotions. Great photo and poem!! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank you, Jan:) Both my girls danced and I was always amazed at the emotion that is brought through movement. There are so many ways to express ourselves, I’ve always felt lucky to have writing to do that. Xo

    1. Thanks, Harmony 🙂 I’m always in awe of the expression of dance and getting to watch my dauther(s) do it. It was magical watching her dance through the snowy forest

    1. Thanks, Craig it’s improved and she tries to educate people about it through dance and writing. I overtook pictures over the years and have the problem now of sorting through and getting rid of it The best things we never forget.

  2. I love the artistic elements that went into the dance in the snow, and the background story is very poignant. I hope her well being has increased and she is much better. Your Tanka is an exquisite complement to the photo and the story.

    1. Thanks, Mae. It was a magical moment to be able to watch her dancing in the snow. Yes, improved and better. I’ve learned it’s always something to work on and she likes to educate others on it.

    1. Thanks, Staci:) it was an amazing moment to be a part of. There is always hope and a way to heal, I like to believe.

    1. I can’t image a fairy without wings either, but felt it described the struggle. There is always hope for that magic to return though and a belief never to give up.

    1. Thank you. Robbie:) I was in awe of the grace and beauty dancing in the snowy forest and took many pictures.

    1. Thank you, Balroop. The fairy and people can get trapped, but hope is never too far away. We never know when and where it will come from, though.

  3. Thank you for the photo and the background. We went in similar directions… with magic!
    Hoping spring makes things lighter and brighter for all.

    1. It was hard to pick a picture to share, but this one tugged at me. Your poem was beautiful and yes we both had that magic that’s always right around the corner. Spring always seems to bring with it a renewal. Thank you and hope the exact same for you.

  4. What an incredible story, Denise. Your poem captured the struggle, the profound beauty, and the hope. Absolutely magnificent! 💗

    1. Thank you, Gwen. This was one of the hardest poems I have written in a while coming into it knowing the story. xo

  5. I first saw this photo on Instagram, Denise. I’m glad you shared the background behind the picture. Your poem is beautiful. I’m curious what your daughter thought. Thanks for sharing.

    1. You’re right it went up first in Instagram. It was such an amazing day I had to share it’s story. I got a big heart of approval from Danielle:) I’m happy she enjoyed my interpretation. Thank you, Jill! Xo

    1. Thank you. Diana:) It was beautiful watching dance the the snow and expressing her struggles in it. I felt lucky to be there xo

  6. Denise, the story behind the photo is inspiring! I love how dance has helped her to express her feelings. I love the photo and find your tanka poem the perfect addition to the photo. You should frame the photo and the poem together. I really love the creativity. <3

    1. Thank you, Colleen:) Not only was it magical to watch dancing in the snow, but there was a story and wisdom to be shared. That is a good idea about framing them together both arts blending. Xo

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