Writing Challenge—The TBR Pile. @Dwallacepeach #thewritingcommunity #poetrycommunity #writerchallenge #poetry #haibun

Here is Diana Wallace Peach’s Writing Challenge—The TBR Pile. It can be a story or poem. I decided to go with a haibun format. That is the combination of prose paragraph ending with a haiku, or in this case a senyru.


The magical gift sits next to my bed. Dressed in black leather, it holds the ideas of generations. I gently open the promise of endless entertainment in the two hundred and thirty pages. I can barely contain my joy with so many words that offer knowledge, insight, thrills, adventure, heartbreak, or laughter. It may take more than one lifetime to explore. Yet, it’s never full and always welcomes new editions onto its electronic shelves—even the bad ones. It is my paradise.

add to my kindle

with the best of intentions…

to read every word

54 thoughts on “Writing Challenge—The TBR Pile. @Dwallacepeach #thewritingcommunity #poetrycommunity #writerchallenge #poetry #haibun”

  1. I can so relate to this, both the paragraph and the haiku. Although mine is not dressed in black leather, its shelves are endless, and like you, I keep adding to it with the best intentions to read every word. Most of all, I love “magic happens.” 🙂

    1. Thank you, Mae 🙂 It wasn’t dressed in leather, there was pink flowers before! Yes, always good intentions and so many possibilities 🙂

  2. I call books my friends. I fell in love with reading from early childhood and the influence of my grandmother. When we moved to a smaller house here in Florida, there was no space for all my books so I selected just a few of my very favorite who are now sitting on a small shelf. Thank goodness for the Kindle, but I do miss the touch and smell of books.
    I loved your paragraph and Haiku and the photo is spiritual, mystical, and enchanting. It represents what I feel about books.

    1. I agree, Karen, Books do become our friends. They have gotten me some of the tough times in life. It would be hard for me to part with any of my books, but having a Kindle helps fill the void. I’m the same way with old record albums, both offer their own special magic. I feel in love with that picture when I saw it and felt it showed the inner child reading those pages. Xo

  3. I feel exactly the same. Yay for you, Denise, rising to the challenge (and yay to Diana for presenting the challenge). My Kindle is dressed in a burgundy cover with picture of hundreds of stacked books. Fitting!

    1. That is fitting to have a picture of hundreds of books on the cover. I love how everyone seems to have dressed up their Kindle 🙂 Mine used to have pink sixties flowers on it. Yes, thanks to Diana for providing this challenge!

    1. That sounds like your Kindle is all dressed up 🙂 Thank you, Staci. They were an invention be grateful for.

  4. This is just beautiful, Denise. So warm and fuzzy and magical. I think we all can relate. I’m not sure where my reblog schedule is right now (I was out yesterday and I’m catching up), but Soon! Thanks so much for joining in with your lovely haibun. I’m honored and can’t wait to share!

    1. Thank you, Diana 🙂 I love you did this challenge and couldn’t pass up an opportunity to express my feelings about my Kindle!

  5. I loved this: ‘I can barely contain my joy with so many words that offer knowledge, insight, thrills, adventure, heartbreak, or laughter.’
    It brought me joy just reading that sentence. Well done, my friend. scoxoxo

    1. Thank you, Sandra 🙂 That is a sentence that could go on much longer. What a thrill to start a new book, just like yours xo

    1. Thank you, Balroop 🙂 We all seem to dress up our Kindles or buy colors. But why not, they offer us so much magic!

  6. Love this share, Denise. Beautifully said. I don’t know many people that don’t have “too many” books, whether it be physical copy or electronic. For me, I may get in trouble from time to time because of how many I’ve accumulated over the years. Let’s just say, I don’t have enough space but can’t seem to find the want to rid myself of any of the treasures.

    1. Thank you, Mar 🙂 My book shelves are paperbacks and hard covers too. It’s hard to part with those books either. Once I tried to cut back on some paperback books. I donated and sold some. A few years later my husband brought me home a book…it was one I had gotten rid of. It even had my book mark in it still. I took that as a sign to keep my books, while adding to my kindle.

  7. I loved your senyru, Denise! My Kindle is dressed in black also, soft to the touch, pleasant to handle. Aren’t words wonderful? I don’t want to miss every single word because they’re magical. I never know when, just one single word would perform it’s wonder to give me joy and cheers! Thank you so much, Denise!

    1. It’s amazing the amount of joy we can put into our Kindles, isn’t it? So much in a little space and like you said each word is important and magical. Thank you, Miriam 🙂

  8. I love your senyru – absolutely beautiful. I have three books by my bedside and then there’s my kindle. Depending upon my mood or the lateness of the night, I choose. 💗

    1. Thank you; Jill 🙂 Yes, I think we will wait for our Kindle to finally yell out stop! LOL

  9. Denise, a beautiful response to Diana’s fun challenge. I love how you find all the books as your paradise and I feel just the same! I can definitely relate to the best intentions!

    1. Thank you, Annika! I loved your response as well, still trying to catch up to all the fun responses. Yes, I think we all have those intentions 😉

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