New Release! The Fathomless Affair by @stacitroilo Harbor Pointe Series Book 6 #harborpointeseries #writingcommunity #whattoread

Yay! Tomorrow is the release day for the sixth book of the Harbor Pointe Series. If you haven’t picked up your copy there is still time. I am sharing the blurb and my review here today.


The Harbor Pointe Inn has loomed on California’s cliffs for generations of Hawthornes. For some, it’s been a blessing. For others, a curse. Travel through two centuries of stories to discover the old inn’s secrets.

A narcissistic patriarch. A mystical legend. A fathomless affair.

Most people wouldn’t dread a weekend at the historic Harbor Pointe Inn. Lorelei Audley isn’t most people. The fresh sea air, breathtaking vistas, and gourmet meals can’t buoy her spirits. She’s there to coordinate her father’s latest wedding. The bride is a nightmare, yet somehow, the groom is worse. Lorelei steels herself to suffer through a few days of psychological abuse and abject misery.

She’s unprepared for a paranormal encounter, missing persons case, and police investigation.

Not to mention a budding romance.

A lot can happen in a short time, far more if the supernatural is involved. Lorelei has a small window in which to solve some very big problems—problems as numerous as the sands at the foot of the scenic Harbor Pointe cliffs.

My Review

Lorelei has been asked by her father to plan his wedding at the ocean. Things have not gone right for her since she walked into the building and fell. This foreshadowed what was to come. Her self-centered father and equally bad young bride make demands as Lorelei tries to please her father. Luckily, during this, she meets Porter who is there to capture a rare comet sighting. A friendship ensues as she learns about a ghost ship and a curse. This entire weekend seems to be cursed as things keep going wrong and her ungrateful father makes more demands. I could easily relate to Lorelei having taken care of a self-centered stepfather myself. Ms. Troilo nailed their unhealthy relationship perfectly with a touch of responsibility and love. The ghosts and lore are mixed beautifully with family dynamics and mystery. The lush setting and subtle humor weaved into the well-written story had me spellbound. I couldn’t have predicted the twists it would take or put the story down until I finished it. I highly recommend this!


Staci Troilo grew up in Western Pennsylvania writing stories and poetry in her free time, so it was no surprise that she studied writing in college. After receiving creative and professional writing degrees from Carnegie Mellon University, she went on to get her Master’s Degree in Professional Writing, and she worked in corporate communications until she had her children. When they had grown, she went on to become a writing professor, and now she is a freelance writer and editor.

Staci is a multi-genre author. Her fiction is character-driven, and despite their protests, she loves to put them in all kinds of compromising or dangerous situations.

You can find out more about her on her website (

NOTE: Book Reviews are next week.

Embrace your inner child by reading a great book! D. L. Finn

83 thoughts on “New Release! The Fathomless Affair by @stacitroilo Harbor Pointe Series Book 6 #harborpointeseries #writingcommunity #whattoread”

  1. I’m so excited for Staci! I loved this book, especially the astronomy and nautical legends woven within. Thanks for shining a spotlight on it, Denise, and congrats to Staci!

  2. I’ve enjoyed all the Harbor Point books so far. This one sounds equally thrilling. Thanks for sharing, DL. 🙂 I’m linking this post to the Story Chat post under the heading Attendance. 🙂

      1. Sorry for any issues. I was just overchecking my spam and did find someone languishing there that I freed. It’s been crazy on WP lately. Hugs xo

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