Special guest: Danielle from TraitWare!


Please welcome today’s guest my youngest daughter, Danielle from TraitWare. The picture above is from a trip we took to Walt Disney World–and after a good soaking!

Danielle has an offer, a couple of cute cat pictures, and a giveaway of a $20 Amazon gift car. (Winner of gift card is Billy Ray Chitwood–Congrats!)

My name is Danielle, and my main paying job is the Technical Product Manager for a start-up security company called TraitWare. In my free time, or lack thereof, I dance for a couple of choreographers at CSUS, travel to different places to teach dance classes, and I am also attempting to write a book (all, of course, while making sure my husband knows that I still actually do exist). I have also spent my fair share of hours reading and editing for my mother and have gained some skills for me to offer my services of beta reading in exchange for any willing takers to test and provide feedback for a product my company just released.

The product is actually a WordPress plugin to replace usernames and passwords with the ability to scan a QR code using a smartphone or tablet. This plugin focuses on the admin dashboard login (sites using wordpress.org or the premium of wordpress.com). We all have to remember way too many complex passwords. The simple “password123” just doesn’t cut it anymore. So, with this app, we are allowing users to use their phone with their fingerprint, or a collection of preselected pictures to sign in, rather than a bunch of letters and numbers that we have to type out.

The idea behind this trade of services is to get feedback from real users, as well as possibly gaining some paying customers. Now, currently, our product offers a 14-day trial. As I know how the lives of an artist can be, I would like to offer an extension to this. So, if you so choose to be a part of the future (*wink wink*), I will extend the trial to 30 days. In order for me to do this, I will need each of you to email me at support@traitware.com after you setup the plugin. This is also the email which will be used for feedback, questions, concerns, etc during the 30 day trial period (and even beyond if you choose to stick with it). Also, be aware that there is a live marketplace where actual reviews for users of the plugin can leave their 2 cents. However! If you hate it, I’d prefer you tell me why first, so we can work to improve it and turn that 1 into a 5.

If you’re still sticking with me and want to know more… GREAT! I will tell you more. If you’re over this and just want it to end… here’s a picture of 2 of my cats. They’re 11 today!

Thanks for moving past these adorable cats so that we could discuss some business. So, a few requirements will need to be met in order for you to actually become a beta tester.

  1. You need to have a WordPress site which has the ability to add plugins
  2. You need to have a smartphone that is one of these:
    1. Android smartphone or tablet with an operating system of 6.0 or higher (Marshmallow)
    2. iPhone 5S or newer
    3. A newer iPad
  3. Space on your phone to install the TraitWare app from the app store
  4. Access to be able to add a plugin to your “yoursite.com/login” dashboard
  5. The ability to follow directions The patience to follow through with the complete setup (I promise it only takes a few minutes)

If you have all of those, welcome to your beta testing instructions!

  1. Sign in to your wordpress admin dashboard by going to yoursite.com/login
  2. Select “Plugins” on the left hand side
  3. At the top, select “Add New”
  4. Search “traitware”
  5. Select “Install” and then “Activate”
  6. At the top of the page, select the link “Set up your account today!”
  7. Make sure the email in the box on the left is one you have access to and select the button to send yourself an activation email. *if it is not, please create a new user with an email that you do have access to. The user role needs to be set to admin. Log out of your current account, and log back in as the new user
  8. Download the TraitWare app to your mobile device, check your email, and open the TraitWare app to scan the QR in the email you just received
  9. Complete the app registration and return to your WordPress site
  10. Scan the QR on the right of the WordPress page with your shiney, new TraitWare app
  11. VOILA!

There are more detailed instructions here. And if you’re really diggin’ this and want to know more about who we are, check out our developer specific blog here!

Thanks for dropping by! Just leave a comment and you are entered to win the Amazon gift card. Thanks, Danielle!

Please note that the strikeout was intentional and my daughter’s sense of humor…it runs in the family.

Embrace your inner child, D.L. Finn

25 thoughts on “Special guest: Danielle from TraitWare!”

  1. I must say this was the most enjoyable informational post I have read in a long time. As a cat lover it was easy to fall for the two beauties. I have tried plug-ins in the past with no success but let me try again. I’ll let you know if it works. (BTW on your second thirty day mention you call out “month.” Would be nice but….. So nice to meet you, Danielle. Your mom is the best.

    1. Aw, thanks John! Her cats are pretty cute or furry my grandbabies:) I am glad you enjoyed the post! Have an amazing weekend.

    2. Thanks, John! I appreciate your willingness to give it a shot. Let me know if you need any help… and thanks for catching that month…. ha. I had 5 other eyes look at it, too! Always the little things sneaking by… It’s nice to meet you, too! She is quite snazzy… 😉

  2. Love the cat pics, Danielle. And happy birthday to your cats! Wishing you luck with the plugin.

    Denise, so nice to see a photo of you and your daughter here.

    1. Thanks Staci:) They are pretty cute cats. It was a fun trip with my daughter after she graduated college…even in a down pour and thunder storm we had a blast:) Have a great weekend and thanks for dropping by!

  3. Oooh, I love the cat photos. I can’t myself….I’m such a sap for felines.

    It’s ,ice to meet you, Danielle, and I wish you the very best with your venture. It sounds like (in addition to the start up) you are one busy, lady!

    Denise, I loved the photo of you with your daughter. It positively resonates with joy!

    1. Thanks Mae! We are definitely an animal family especially cats. Yes she is always busy…

      It was a great trip we took after she graduated while the men were on a motorcycle trip.. We were soaked in thunder storm and of course I was taking pictures.

      Thanks for dropping by and have a great weekend.

    2. It’s nice to meet you, too, Mae! I do tend to keep myself exhaustively busy… But it’s all part of what makes me, me! Thank you!

    1. Thank you Billy:) That picture represents an amazing time perfectly. Completely soaked, but giggling sums it up nicely. Love all our kitties, too, I do have a jealous one in our bunch, too. Have a great weekend:)

  4. I’ve gotten dizzy just trying to absorb all of this. Maybe in another life I would be up for this. Not in this one although it sounds very interesting. I’ll pass for now. I do think it is a wonderful idea. Good luck Danielle!

    1. Thanks for dropping by Shirley. I understand some of it, but leave all the computer stuff to her:) Have a good weekend!

  5. Thank you to everyone who left comments last week. And congratulations to Billy Ray Chitwood on winning the gift card!

    The cats thank you all for the birthday wishes.

    1. Thanks, Danielle, you’re a delight, like your Mom! I’m so digitally inept, but, when I find out exactly what a ‘plug-in’ is and how to use it…oops, your #2 in the post leaves me out: I don’t have a smart phone! Julie Anne won’t let me get one because she sees how frustrated I get trying to survive in S/M and writing my blog posts and books on the Web… (Please, JWH, stop laughing at me! Yuck, yuck…)
      ALSO, thanks for the gift…that marks the first time I’ve ever won anything – except a ‘FREE VISIT’ to a resort so they can sell me a condo unit! Ha, we’ve gotten few trips that way… Bless you and the family! ♥♥♥

      1. I have a kid or two who insisted I learn about the digital world…lol I have dealt with those free events for the sales pitch, too…they really don’t like when you don’t buy:) Ha ha. Yay for winning! Thank you Billy and sending a blessing right back to you and your family.

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